Monday, February 3, 2014

Buddy up

One of the easiest ways to get into the grove of starting to eat better or work out is to do it with others. When I first started this journey, I was asked by a friend at work to join her and a bunch of other people in training for a sprint triathlon. I always said that first year that I would train with them, but I didn't think I would be able to do the triathlon. I had never done a sporting event like that as an adult and I was so out of shape and didn't think that I could do it. Without those girls pushing me, scheduling workouts around me, encouraging me, and motivating me, I never would have thought that I could accomplish it, but I did.

My husband was not on board with my lifestyle for over 2 years. It made eating at home very difficult! I hated not eating what my family did and began to over eat. When he decided to get on board with me, our eating became 10 times better. I love the relationship that we have with each other and how we check and balance each other. We split meals at restaurants, which helps our budget in more than one way. One thing we also do is check each other when we are about to make a bad eating choice. The other day, my husband totally checked me as I was getting ready to eat a mini bag of skittles. It seemed like a total asshole move to most, but to me he knows what my goals are and knows how mad I would be to waste calories on that. I was so thankful he did it!

I was reminiscing tonight with my friend Bel about our 150 mile bike race we did this summer. We talked about how much we loved the time in the saddle, out on the open road, talking to each other, cheering each other on up and down hills, stopping for breaks, and discussing life. It wasn't just a work out, you cleanse much more when you surround yourself with others who are wanting the very best for you. There is nothing better than a big group run, an impromptu walk around the neighborhood, or big race shared with others.

There are crappy moments when you are eating like crap and you don't feel like working out.  You need someone who will tell you to get your ass in the gym and meet her there. You need someone to tell you to put the cookie down. You need someone telling you to do 10 more reps even though you want to give up. These people are essential. These people will help you in achieving your goals. Find these people, don't let go, and then return to the favor and be that person for someone else.
Here are a couple pics of these people!


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