Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Nothing brings me more joy than someone seeing me for the first time in a while and telling me I look amazing. It brings me joy when colleagues, friends, family who see me daily tell me how healthy and fit I look. I love that someone recently called me skinny. These are all things I feel, but it is nice to hear others say what you are feeling on the inside. Warm and fuzzies

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Run Kendra, Run!

I can't even believe that I did this! It was a gorgeous day and I wanted to workout outside! I have never run outdoors for longer than 3.2 miles but I have been working all winter on a treadmill doing interval training to try to become a better runner. I don't love running. But I love the workout that running gives me! I love watching my core and legs transform. I have always thought that I was a slow runner, but my run the other night proved me wrong. I ran under a 10 minute mile! WHAT!!!! That isn't slow! I can't wait for the snow to melt to see how far my next run will be. But this girl isn't giving up on biking! That's still my go to all time love! The best part of this run was the sun shining and my dog Leah and I sharing some exercise together. 

Dinner Difference

Here is a picture of dinner the other night...Hello veggies! Yes this was a bit extreme, but we had produce that had to be used up. We grilled deer burgers and instead of fries, we roasted green chilies, cauliflower, and broccoli. We steamed up some carrots, snow peas and asparagus. Instead of putting mayo or ketchup on the burger, I opted for some avocado. Simple changes lead to feeling full and feeling guiltless. I love looking at the color on my plate and how it is proportioned. Over half full of things that are good for me! That's a win! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Yummy dinner!

I love to eat spicy foods! Seriously Mexican food is my all time favorite! We eat lots and lots of spicy foods. Tonight I made yummy and super nutrious chicken tacos. I used 100 calorie black bean and whole wheat tortillas. They are pretty small in diameter making them great for portion control. They are 100 calories and have 3g of fiber and 3g of protein. I used the chicken breast from a whole chicken I cooked on Sunday for soup. I flavored the chicken with fresh cilantro, lime and chili powder. I made a black bean and quinoa mixture to immulate Spanish rice and beans. In my quinoa and beans I used fresh cilantro, lime and a tablespoon if salsa while it cooked. More awesome foods full of protein and fiber! I garnished my yummy tacos with a bit of cheddar cheese, a little salsa, and avacados! This dinner was so yummy and full of great yummy foods!