Monday, June 23, 2014

Busy mornings!

Why is it that summer feels busier than most seasons. We are on the go. Mornings are tough because we are running around making sure that we have all of our stuff for day. Bikes and supplies for summer camp for my son, dogs taken care of and food for work. I am finding that my breakfast dictates my day. A good breakfast seems to start me off right. My go to breakfasts are high protein and high fiber. I do go through food jags where I eat the same thing everyday (sometimes for multiple meals) for about a month and then I can't stand the thought of it. The last couple of months I have been in love with oatmeal. I don't buy pre-packaged oatmeal because I am trying to eat less processed foods. What I do is eat either steel cut oats or rolled oats. I put about a 1/4 cup into a Tupperware container. I dice up apples or whatever fruit we get from our bountiful basket. I also add walnuts or almonds. Then I sprinkle with cinnamon and about 1/2 teaspoon of dark brown sugar or honey. When I am ready to eat at work I add water and heat in the microwave. This breakfast is easily made in advance for the entire week. 

My new kick is egg whites. I am more of a savory breakfast kind of gal. So egg whites gives me that satisfaction. This meal can be made in bulk and then separated into individual servings. First I grab veggies. Once again this is what is on hand from bountiful baskets. I sautée in olive oil. My fave combo of veggies is fresh green chilies, kale, tomato, and onions. Right now we have a lot of squash and zucchini. Then I add my egg whites. I add a little pepper and top with a piece of pepper jack cheese. Yummmm! Topped with salsa and avacado and this dish is ready to be devoured! 

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