Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tough work noticed but still the negative

Today I had a meeting at work with someone who hasn't seen me in over a year. When she saw me, she was in awe over the transformation. When I walked in the room she didn't recognize me. She asked me what I did to lose the weight. I told her the hard way, that we had changed our eating and work out. I explained to her that my husband had also lost a ton of weight and this was a complete lifestyle transformation. We are changing the way we look at fueling our body and taking care of our health. She is a very fit person and she was so proud of the way that we have accomplished our goals. At the end of our conversation, she told me we should write an article to health magazine. 

I love the way that my husband and I have done this. We know the work and dedication that it has taken to change our lives. There hasn't always been positivity towards us. There are always people thinking something different, but only we know what we have done and how hard it has been. My favorite comments are, "what kind of diet are you doing" "did you go low carb" "you must have to spend all your free time at the gym" and the most recent and probably most comical are,  "they must be on diet pills" "you are starving yourself"  I am seriously amazed by the close people in our life who believe such things and can't be supportive! This is so hurtful because of amount of work that we have put into changing our life to be better for ourselves, our marriage and our children. I just don't understand how people can be so hurtful. These comments have reminded me to watch what I say, to be less judgmental, and more supportive. Support doesn't mean I have to agree, but to give praise to lift someone up. There is no reason to tear others down with comments or judgmental thoughts. 

I just have to remind myself of the people that give us praise, lift us up and who have nothing but positives for us. Plus I love the fact that we are inspiring others. Hearing from others that Reo and I have inspired them to lose weight or change their eating is the best feeling ever! The biggest thing is to continue to love ourselves! We love what we are doing for our family and leaving a healthy legacy for our children and living the best life we can. 

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