Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Holy Hard Workout

So I have recently been dealing with a weight loss plateau. I have needed something to jump start weight loss again. From the research I have done, plateauing it normal and occurs after you have been trying to lose for 6 or more months. Research says to try new workouts or pick up the intensity of work outs. So I decided to look at some new ideas for workouts. I looked to my Pinterest board and thought one workout that I had just pinned might be a good one to try. It is a Fat Burning Treadmill Workout from the girls of the Bravo TV show Toned Up. It looked hard which I needed. I also hate running, but I know that running burns a lot of calories. It also has incline and speed which I thought was a great change up to my regular routines.

So I thought last night to give this one a try, HOLY HARD WORKOUT!!! I got through the first 2 sets and then had to modify it because it was too hard for me! So my new goal is to tackle this stinkin treadmill workout so I don't have to modify it at all. So instead of giving up on the entire workout I kept the incline, because it was targeting new muscles that don't get worked on a flat run. My butt and thighs were on fire! I set the treadmill to 12% incline and set my speed to 4.2 and walked (fast paced) for 22 more minutes, Then because I am intensifying my workouts, I went to the elliptical and and set the incline to the highest and heavy resistance. I then did another 30 minutes on the elliptical. Total last night I busted out 70 minutes of hard core cardio work. Pinterest has such great workout routines for all fitness levels. Find one that looks challenging and go for it. If you have to modify it, do like I am doing and make it a goal to not have to modify it. I know I hate running, but I do love my running legs and body in the making!
Oh and the best part is...I am no longer plateaued! Through tracking my food, cutting bad things back, and changing up my workouts, I lost 1lb. Whoop! 

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