Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snacking secret

When you are watching calorie intake you probably know that your snacks can make or break your day. I try to stick to 250-400 calories per meal, so my snacks need to be filling, low calorie, and good for me. Nothing is worse than eating a snack that is crappy and being hungry before your next meal. Being overly hungry usually leads to binge eating. To avoid this, try snack prepping. Something we like to do is, prep a snack drawer in the fridge full of already cut and washed veggies and fruits in snack sized bags. This is easy as a mom as well to know what the kids are snacking on. We used to be very dependent on granola bars, fruit snacks, and goldfish. The kids now know, snacks come from the fridge drawer or the fruit bowl.

Here's another cool trick! I saw it on Pinterest and love this idea so I thought I would share. Mason jars are one of my favorite things btw...
Here I have a mason jar and an empty jello cup that I had saved from a holiday craft project. I don't throw containers away! There's always a purpose! Today the purpose is a built in dip container! 
I then filled up my jar with veggies or whatever. Mine happened to be carrots, but some alternatives to carrots are: cucumbers, squash spears, celery, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, apples, oranges, etc!
Take your dip of choice and measure out a serving or two. ( if your snack will serve for two times in the day). Mine is hummus! I love hummus and I typically try to make my own but haven't perfected how to make it so creamy like store bought. Hummus is super high in protein and fiber, so it is FILLING!  Anyway, measure out your favorite dip. Peanut butter, ranch, fruit dip, etc.
Next place your dipper into your jar and screw on the mason jar lid! Voila! Dip and a yummy snack! You might have to play around with different of sizes of mason jars and containers to find what works best! 
There I have 2-3 days of yummy snacks that will hold me over to my next meal. Snack away! 

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